Check out our latest Retail Insights video featuring President & CEO, Jerry Fox.

Jerry discusses the importance of interactive displays. These displays bring human interaction into the store and create an experience for people of all ages. We are bringing the fun to shopping!

This month’s topic is Interactive Displays.

Thanks for watching!

Interactive Displays –  transcript

Jerry Fox:

Hello again, my name is Jerry Fox, President and CEO of Bish Creative Display.

It is 2022, and we are happy to present our 24th edition of Marketing Insights. The holidays are behind us and it is a new year. 2021 came in with a fizzle and 2022 is much the same. Perhaps we focus on progressing ahead, regardless of the circumstances. So I ask you this question:

What is the difference between shopping and buying?

Shopping is exploring, it’s finding things. Buying is just that: it’s buying. The world we live in today is all about technology and digital interaction.

How about we take a step back and consider the most successful way of communicating to customers: human interaction.

Introducing Zuru, in some countries, or 5 Surprise.

How many of you were Toys R Us kids? How many of you were disappointed when they closed? Well, everything in this world needs to be alive and rejuvenated much like Toys R Us. Introducing the Zuru Gumball Machine: a state-of-the-art display that brings human interaction into the store and creates an experience for people of all ages – for the mystery behind a gumball display is timeless.

And today everyone, we have a special treat for you. Today we have Brody, Zoe, and Ellie, let’s Zuru!
Well, that was fun. Thanks Brody. Thanks Zoe. Thanks Ellie

As I said, it’s a new year. Our dear friends and customers for over 65 years, Bish has taken the lead with creativity and innovation. Let us work together on your next project and bring shopping back to life. Till next time.

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