Sierra Nevada | Gold OMA | Semi-Permanent Display

Sierra Nevada Ski Lift Display

With the global pandemic, and the fact that only activities could be done outside, skiing grew in popularity more than ever. Sierra Nevada is one of the original craft beers and now has nationwide distribution, so this brand is recognizable by all. This cleverly designed ski lift, which was made with the corporate colors, holds an ample amount of product, takes minimal floor space, and highlights beers on special. To be as authentic as possible, the acrylic tubes at the base of the chair lift, made the display look like it was floating much like a chair lift at a ski resort. As a result, sales went up during the pandemic, and this display will be a part of the Sierra Nevada merchandising catalogue for years to come.


Client:  Sierra Nevada
Brand: Sierra Nevada
Main Channel: Beer
Awards/Recognition: 2021 Gold OMA Award
Year: 2020
Type: Semi-Permanent
Main Materials: Wood and metal

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