Sexton Top Hat New Package Launch
Irish Whiskey’s are one of the fastest growing categories in the market, led by perennial brands such as Bushmills, Jamesons etc. New brands needed to create their own identity besides being a fantastic whiskey. Sexton was introduced a couple of years ago and is a part of the Bushmills proper 12 distillery. Sexton’s consumer has an eclectic personality for Sexton appeals to the adventurer, the gamer, artistic consumer. This beautifully crafted bottle had to sell itself, so we captured certain aspects of the bottle and made it into a real life display. The Sexton skull with the top hat product holder was an immediate attention getter at retail.
As the consumer searching in this category, will explore other products Sexton needed to send a message that it is unique, different and one of a kind. This display needed to secure valuable floor space to continue the growth and momentum behind Irish Whiskeys. Made from molded resin and wood the actual top hat supports several bottles and is a fun way to shop Irish Whiskeys. Sexton needed an icon to stand up against some well established brands. This unique skull top hat display was the perfect piece to speak to this unique customer.
A master sculptor replicated the skull as it is seen on the bottle. Creating that perfect balancing act of a 3D skull, bottles sitting on an angle while propped up by a pedestal was no simple engineering feat. For weight distribution shopping theories and overall balance made us build the perfect piece that could be shopped easily and conveniently. The copper color is also very recognizable for the Sexton brand.

As the Irish Whiskey category grows, retailers have become very accepting of retail theatre. This consumer stopping display achieved 100% placement for there is nothing comparable in the marketplace. More importantly, lift over 260% was achieved for Sexton Irish Whiskey as multiple cases were stacked around the skull, bottles inside the top hat made for a fun and engaging interactive shopping experience. For a relatively new brand in the category. Similar smaller items such as bar ware counter displays etc are in development for the Sexton skull hat will be the iconic piece for all future promotions and display activities around this successful brand.
Bushmills proper 12 distillery. Sexton appeals to the adventurer, the gamer, artistic consumer. This beautifully crafted bottle had to sell itself, so we captured certain aspects of the bottle and made it into a real life display. Made from molded resin and wood the actual top hat supports several bottles and is a fun way to shop Irish Whiskeys. Sexton needed an icon to stand up against some well established brands. This unique skull top hat display was the perfect piece to speak to this unique customer. A master sculptor replicated the skull as it is seen on the bottle. Creating that perfect balancing act of a 3D skull, bottles sitting on an angle while propped up by a pedestal was no simple engineering feat. For weight distribution shopping theories and overall balance made us build the perfect piece that could be shopped easily and conveniently. The copper color is also very recognizable for the Sexton brand. This consumer stopping display achieved 100% placement for there is nothing comparable in the marketplace. Multiple cases were stacked around the skull, bottles inside the top hat made for a fun and engaging interactive shopping experience.
Client: Bushmills
Brand: The Sexton Whiskey
Main Channel: Liquor & Grocery
Year: 2021
Type: Temporary Display
Main Materials: Urethane, MDF, corruagte, plastic