Patron Interactive Photo Kiosk

The world of interactive merchandising is ever changing, when a consumer walks into a store and sees a new and exciting way to shop, they gravitate. With this display, the consumer walks up and a motion sensor sends off an immediate light transfer sequence that is colorful, playful, and inviting to consumers. Patron invited consumer to a social and driven experiment that allows consumers via iPad the ability to view electronic recipes, events and most importantly to today’s consumers social platforms. This display allowed a consumer to travel the world with Patron encompassing several interactive experiences for the consumer and for Patron to target the consumer. This high-end, Ipad, piece was used in many liquor and premium grocery stores, for during the pandemic sales of Patron grew substantially. This unique piece established itself in key accounts such as: Total Wine, Bevmo, Kroger, Safeway, and others.

This was a fun piece for consumers to gather a tremendous amount of information such as: how to enjoy Patron tequila properly, food pairings, and a fun, photo library. Consumers interacted while purchasing Patron and purchased additional products while they were in the store. This display allows for several merchandising avenues in 2021, we look forward for what is to come.

Client:  Patron Spirits
Brand: Patron
Main Channel: Digital Interactive
Awards/Recognition: 2021 Silver OMA Award
Year: 2020
Type: Semi-Permanent
Main Materials: Coated steel with vinyl graphic wrap. iPad pro with photo app.