Mountain Dew Hoops Interactive Display

As the carbonated beverage industry becomes a more increasingly competitive category, leaders such as Mountain Dew need to “up their game” for the merchandising of their products. The target was to take a well-recognized game that appeals to all ages and to provide the opportunity for consumers to engage in an interactive display that required little assistance in store.

Traditionally speaking, Mountain Dew, a PepsiCo product, has always had strong affiliations with major strong events. Introduced to stores in early November of 2019, displays were targeted to last throughout the NBA season, with a focus around the NBA All Star Game. Manufactured from a combination of steel, plastics, and wire, and matching Mountain Dew green.

Customized electronics and sensors were designed for the game to be played in a confined manner. Basketball is a world-renowned sport and Mountain Dew’s alignment with basketball will continue for years to come. This type of experiential theatre merchandising will be the footprint for the future of all merchandising tools, but especially high impulse products such as carbonated beverages and snacks. Mountain Dew, a PepsiCo brand is one of the top 5 beverages within the US and needs to consistently promote their message of the fun exciting engaging brand to all consumers. Go ahead, play, and have fun!

Client: Pepsi Co.
Brand: Mountain Dew
Main Channel: Grocery
Awards/Recognition: 2020 Shop! Gold Award &  Global Award Winner 2021
Year: 2020
Type: Permanent Display
Main Materials: Wood, Metal & Plastic