Frito Lay | Gold OMA | Permanent Display

Frito Lay Jalapeno Intense Flavor Display

The assignment was to create a visually impactful display introducing the new intense flavor line of Flaming Hot Frito Lay products. This piece needed to proclaim intense flavors from the second a consumer walked into the store, as the shop time in convenience stores is typically less than 2 minutes.

The goal was to create a 3D, visually impactful jalapeno pepper with incredible detail, from the vacuumed formed bottom tip to the sides of the pepper, to the top stem. This display looks and feels like an intense flavor destination. As consumers walk into the store, in particular convenience stores, the concept of a snack item is very well understood and intended, however which product to purchase may not be determined. The goal is always to create an impactful display, drawing the consumer to only shop from creative merchandising displays, such as this. This fun and engaging approach to merchandising fits the 4Fs. Form, Fit, Function and Fun. To date over 3,000 units have been placed with additional units in progress.

Client:  PepsiCo
Brand: Frito Lay
Main Channel:  Snack
Awards/Recognition: 2021 Gold OMA Award
Year: 2020
Type: Permanent
Main Materials: Metal

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