Treasury Wine Display

Treasury Wine Estates (TWE) is the leading producer of high-end premium portfolio wines as well as premium priced value wines. Premium portfolio wines are the most difficult to merchandise for this consumer shops by varietal brand name and vineyard. With 100s of brands and vineyards to choose from standing out amongst that crowd is extremely difficult as TWE is large producer of all wines they are in a unique position to create a merchandising tool for their portfolio wines. However, all portfolio wines are not top sellers in every market a merchandising platform had to be developed to work with all brands in all markets. The distributor / retailer had the choice of 3 unique designs that are furniture grade aesthetically pleasing and versatile to all brands and varietals. This curved display, cubed display and wedge display were a bold, unique approach to owning incremental sales at retail. The portfolio collection is targeted to a middle-upperclass consumer and the average bottle cost is $25+ and all come from a variety of California vineyards or California blends of the highest quality.

Client: Treasury Wine Estates
Brand: Treasury Wine Estates
Main Channel: Liquor & Grocery
Year: 2021
Type: Permanent Display
Main Materials: Curved Wine Rack: Metal and printed styrene / Cube is wood

If you have ever seen the movie Apollo 13 were handed over 20 different bottle shapes, dims, heights, diameter, etc multiple brands and varietals and asked to develop an attractive furniture quality platform that worked with all bottles in a design format that fit all retailers. Similar to a retail stores they come in a variety of shapes and sizes so there was no one single solution that work for all markets. A true architectural / furniture approach was taken to design these elegant pieces to cover Maine to Miami to Washington to Arizona to all points in between.

Interchangeable graphics is very challenging when dealing with premium wines for the quality of the graphic must match the quality of the wine inside. These 3 designs wedge, cube and curve allowed a distinct and unique look with versatility and diversity available to the entire nationwide distribution network. A demand planning portal module was used to collect data from all distributors so that all units could be produced at the same time with the same materials and finishes providing the distributors a cohesive look for all merchandising materials. With the ability to choose one the designs that best fit their customers locations. All pieces were made from a high-end oak wood with a furniture grade finish fully assembled with a custom graphics kit as ordered through the portal delivered to each distributor on time.

During the pandemic, wine consumption increased by 35% getting incremental sales of a powerful portfolio presented off the shelf provided Treasury and the retailer as much as 175%. More importantly these quality display pieces have become an icon of real estate management for incremental wines within the Treasury portfolio. Distributors managed the graphics when products were on display so that it kept a unique footprint where it was placed for 100% placement was achieved.

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